$50K Raised For Funeral Of Teen Killed For Bumping Into White Man

A black teenage boy bumped into an older white man in front
of a store and the two exchanged words. Instead of taking
the higher road, the older man allowed things to escalate
and eventually pulled out a gun and killed the teen. Now, he
has been charged with murder and is being investigated for a
hate crime. Meanwhile, the family of the slain boy has
received massive support from people online.

A community is in mourning after 15-year-old, James
Means, was gunned down by 62-year-old William Pulliam,
who told police he felt his life was in danger. The
altercation began after James bumped into the older man
in front of a Dollar General store.
He shot Him Twice :
Minutes later, Pulliam was walking past a house where
James was with his friends, and the two exchanged
heated words. The teenager started walking across the
street to confront Pulliam, but before he could get close
the man shot him twice.

He showed No Remorse :
An ambulance came and brought Means to the hospital.
The 62-year-old went about his day, even going to a
friend’s house to eat dinner. Police later arrived and
arrested him for murder, but the man showed no remorse

"Trash Off The Street"
“The way I look at it, that’s another piece of trash off the
street,” Pulliam told investigators. Now, officials are
investigating if they should charge him with a hate crime,
but the older man insists race had nothing to do with it.
"Felt in danger"
“I felt my life was in danger,” he is recorded saying to
police in an interview, “I’m sorry, but I’m 62-years-old. I’m
not going to take a bunch of punks beating me up.”
According to William, James and two friends were
antagonizing him, and even threatened to shoot him.
"Assaulted Own Daughter"
“I just shot him. I felt my life was in danger,” he told
investigators. One major caveat that should be
mentioned: Pulliam is not legally allowed to carry a gun
after physically abusing his pregnant daughter back in
Domestic Violence Charge
In 2013, William pled no contest to a domestic violence
charge after he was accused of hitting his pregnant
daughter in the face, and even kicking her in the stomach
when she was down. Following these charges he was not
legally permitted to carry a weapon.
Race Related?
Speaking to the police, Pulliam said James’s friends
shouted, “Hey, bust a cap, bust a cap man,” as the 15-
year-old crossed the street to confront the man. "And
here he comes, dancing across the street like he's
looking at me. Just like, I'm looking at his eyes because
I'm thinking 'man, this guy, when is he going to pull the
trigger?’” Pulliam told investigators, “Is he going to shoot
me in the leg, in the head, what the hell, you know?" the
accused murderer said.
"Makes No Difference"
The accused insists race played no part in his decision
making. “It doesn’t make any difference if he’s black,”
Pulliam said, “My God, everybody I live around over there
is black. I get along with all of them, ask them.”
Go Fund Me
James Means’ aunt, Michelle Matthews-Means, set up a
GoFundMe to raise $3,000 for the funeral. The outpour of
support has been incredible, and has raised over $48,000.
He was described by another aunt, Teresa Means, as
someone who “could put a smile on anybody’s face, no
matter the situation.”
Please, No Hate
His death brings up memories of the tragic slaying of
Trayvon Martin, but James’ family says, “We don’t want
anyone posting any type of hatred or revengeful words on
Facebook, because James wouldn’t want it.” The family
remains confident that justice will be served through the
court system.
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